Thursday, January 4, 2007

Scalar Weapons

QUERY: Scalar Weapons

Hmm... I've never even heard of this. Maybe I can actually LEARN something from a search - something I previously thought impossible! Perhaps this one will be different... yeah. This will be the one. The one search that reaffirms my faith in the human race.

Guide: Welcome to ChaCha!
Info Seeker: hello
Guide: Hello!
Guide: What do you want to know about scalar weapons?
Info Seeker: everything
Info Seeker: what they do, how they do it, who they were made by, everything and all!
Info Seeker: I feel I have been used by these so called scalar weapons
Guide: "Used" you say? Can you explain?
Info Seeker: yes
Guide: I don't know much about this topic.
Info Seeker: ever done any research on them?
Guide: No.
Guide: I don't know what they are.
Info Seeker: *whispers* they are capable of mind control

-I guess my faith in the human race will remain unaffirmed. Is unaffirmed even a word?

Guide: Oh my...
Guide: On occassion, I have felt as if I were under mind control as well!
Info Seeker: yes..they are very interesting you should take a look into them
Info Seeker: mind control is very is tampering with the weather
Guide: Yes... I agree. But I doubt the Russians would.
Info Seeker: they wouldnt, theyre the ones developing the technology
Guide: It all makes sense now...
Guide: That time I coated myself in chicken fat and stood out on Route 53... I knew that wasn't my idea!
Info Seeker: thats sumthing theyd do
Info Seeker: ive also been abducting by aliens, i have the microbes to prove it
Guide: Snd pix plz.
Info Seeker: don't have any but im seriosu
Guide: I totally believe you. My dad knew a guy who had a cousin who's friend was the veterinarian of a guy who's grandpa's stepson's dog was once owned by this guy who raped a guy who WAS THERE WHEN THE ROSWELL SPACE SHIP CRASHED. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?
Info Seeker: im suprised he isnt dead, to be honest
Info Seeker: the government does this kind of stuff all the time
Guide: Well he died in an ice skating accident.
Guide: But wait... come to think of it, he was always such a good skater!
Guide: Do you think...?
Info Seeker: if he knew what you say he knew, probably
Guide: I...
Guide: I'm speechless.

I really was. I couldn't think of how to progress with the joke, so I banned him. What? He was being abusive!

1 comment:

Amy said...

These are sooo funny! I'm a chacha guide too. It's best to have fun with it, ya know?