Friday, December 15, 2006

Cancel My Account

I meet a lot of dumb people. Excuse me, "info seekers." I meet a lot of bossy ones too. It's a rare occasion that I meet one that is both dumb and bossy... but when I do I relish it.

QUERY: Cancel My Account

Alright... Just someone who forgot to clarify their search. Nothing to get stressed out about.

Guide: Welcome to ChaCha!
Guide: Hello!
Guide: What are you looking to cancel?
Info Seeker: Hi, I'd like to cancel my account
Info Seeker: the last rep that chatted with me closed the screen
Guide: For what?
Guide: What account?
Info Seeker: my AOL dial up service
Guide: I see.

-Psh! Noobs!

Info Seeker: my username is XXXXX and the password is XXXXX
Info Seeker: can you get that cancelled for me so it's not charged on the next month?

-Oh. Em. Ef. Gee.

Guide: Did you just tell me your password?
Info Seeker: yea so you can cancel the account
Guide: should never tell anyone your password you know.
Info Seeker: we don't really use the dial up anymore since we just purchased DSL
Guide: Well, I cannot cancel this account for you.
Info Seeker: why not?
Guide: It is not my job. I can however, tell you how to cancel it.
Info Seeker: if you cant cancel it whats the point of this
Guide: The purpose of ChaCha is for me to help you find links on the internet.
Info Seeker: gay

-Hmmm... Call the person you just gave access to your credit card information gay. Good idea.

Guide: Exuse me?
Info Seeker: gay
Guide: Okay, you've swayed me. I'll cancel the account for you.
Info Seeker: really?
Guide: Sure.
Info Seeker: thanks i was just about to report you for unhelpfulness
Info Seeker: lol good thing you helped
Guide: Good thing.

I made sure to sign them up for a full lifetime subscription to AOL. And as a Christmas present I threw in a subscription to all the premium services. And bought myself a new iPod. Good thing I helped.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

OMFG did you really because if you did that is funny as fuck!

Anonymous said...

Good thing you helped.

Anonymous said...

That's not how it happened, ChrisB...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: ChrisB
ChrisB: Welcome to ChaCha!
ChrisB: Hello!
ChrisB: What are you looking to cancel?
You: Hi, I'd like to cancel my account
You: the last rep that chatted with me closed the screen
ChrisB: For what?
You: my AOL dial up service
ChrisB: What account?
ChrisB: I see.
You: my username is dhu1982 and the password is hp8x3aa
You: can you get that cancelled for me so it's not charged on the next month?
ChrisB: You should never tell anyone your password you know.
You: we don't really use the dial up anymore since we just purchased DSL
ChrisB: Well, I cannot cancel this account for you.
You: why not?
ChrisB: It is not my job. I can however, tell you how to cancel it.
You: your AOL service makes watching midget porn a pain in the ass. all the buffering.
You: u know what im saying?
ChrisB: Really? I can watch it fine.
ChrisB: Are you using MidgetXXX as your client?
You: no
You: im using AOL Explorer
ChrisB: Well that's why.
ChrisB: Cancel this!
You: Thank you!
ChrisB: Glad I could help.
You: maybe we could get together sometime
You: yeah?
ChrisB: Okay, you bring the belt.
ChrisB: Thank you for using ChaCha! Be sure to rate me!
ChrisB: Have a wonderful, midget filled, night!